Looking back at ESCRS 2023: Dr. Erik Mertens from Oogcentrum Medipolis gave us an Exclusive Tour of the Center of Excellence!

On Saturday, September 9th, the world of ophthalmology was treated to an exclusive experience during “The Masters Film Festival – Innovation into Practice” at ESCRS 2023. Central to this experience was none other than Dr. Erik Mertens from Oogcentrum Medipolis.

The event, which is already a highlight in the calendar of every professional in ophthalmology, became even more special through the contribution of Dr. Mertens. His presence extended beyond merely attending the event; he actively participated, showcasing his dedication and passion for the field.

At Signifeye, innovation and progressiveness are central. Dr. Mertens’ participation from Oogcentrum Medipolis at ESCRS 2023 is a clear illustration of the commitment to not only embrace the latest technologies but also to actively contribute to the evolution in the world of ophthalmology.

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